Some Phrases That Brought People To This Blog

Just for fun, I thought I'd list a few of the most "specialist" of the search phrases used to get to this site. Enjoy, oh enjoy.

"backmassagers missued" - You mean used awesomely?Those words probably sent our searcher HERE

"get me some pics of sex acts" - Yes, internets, do my bidding!
Not so sure where this may have taken the rather demanding searcher.

"movie the lady with a tattoo on her hand" - I think this is a jank search for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
Definitely went to the SSL review of that movie HERE.

"spanish girls in abus" - what are those crazy Spanish gals doin' in a bus?!?
I have no idea why that led to this blog. I really don't.

"betty dotson masturbating" - It's Dodson, and yeah, there's a lot out there about her and masturbating.
Probably went HERE to the ol' Betty Dodson interview.

"dildo centerpiece" - Ahh, a fabulous craft idea! Just for your info, we here at AnC went for a dildo platter (featuring a fake vulva) instead of the dildo centerpiece at the dinner table in our movie.
Bet ya it went HERE! Check out that pic!

"beautiful woman tastefully masturbating" - Why I say! That is lovely. Who cares where that search ended up.

 "pooing is sexually pleasing" - The Shorgasm?
 I'm gonna say, I think this went to the post about not poo-pooing metrosexual dudes. Otherwise, I'm just not sure.

...and finally...

"Trisha vulva" - That's my name and the word "vulva." I hope they were actually looking for my vulva.

Hope Springs - The SSL Review


Random Hite Report 1