Some Orgasm Equality Guts from Lady J on "In Bed With Married Women" Blog!

I like giving props to other people writing about things that I think contribute positively to the Orgasm Equality Movement. I'm trying my best to keep an eye out for stuff, but if you ever see anything that you think should be brought to readers' attention, then please email me or comment.

Anyway, I came across something on the blog "In Bed With Married Women" (IBWMW) and thought it was worth a highlight. IBWMW is self described as a blog that hops into your bed, staring rudely and taking notes. I can attest that it's a good read and quite funny. I have it on my Pulse app for night reading. It is also occasionally gutsy and real in regards to orgasm discussion, and I think that rocks.

The thing I want to share with you today, however, is actually a reader letter posted on that blog. Check it out HERE. The material in question is under Letter #2 from Lady J. She put together some nice arguments against a mommy blog advising moms that "foreplay is icing...and...wastes precious time." Basically the offending article says moms should make sex more important than those other things that often seem more important like sleeping, cleaning, and watching sweet, sweet, TV. While doing this, it advises that mommy's should head right to the intercourse, wasting no time with the unnecessary bits. (You can read the whole offending article through a link in the IBWMW post).

Lady J rightly points out that since we ladies don't really orgasm much from the in and out of intercourse, then it's a little silly to skip the good parts (i.e. what we commonly call foreplay). It's a pretty good post and I encourage you to read it. Thanks to Lady J for the guts to fight back on some crappy sex advice that puts female orgasm on the back burner, and thanks to Jill Hamilton for posting it on her blog!

I can never leave things alone though, so I feel I should also add these points to Lady J's already excellent letter.

1. It seems to me that each sex experience we have factors into how we feel about future experiences, so if we ladies start having sex, just to "have sex"/to please our partner/to keep intimacy alive and don't also get orgasms during it, then how we feel about sex as time rolls on will be quite different than our male partners who are likely having orgasms in each and every one of these quickie adventures.

2. Mutual masturbation. Everyone gets theirs, and it can be quite quick. Or, just plain masturbation...just cause we chose to blend our life with our partner doesn't mean we have to share every single orgasm with him/her. Let's face it, there's bound to be times in your long lives together when one or both of you keep your sexual life mostly to yourself. It's not a failure, and it doesn't mean it's gonna stay that way forever.

3. Intercourse is orgasmically better (or orgasmic at all) for us ladies if we give ourselves a hand or a vibrator. In my opinion, any advice about quickies for women should mention that.

Mt. Vernon High School, VHS Editing, and Good Arts Teachers


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