7 Reasons Mutual Masturbation is Hot
A list of reasons mutual masturbation is super hot…because it is and we should be normalizing into our cultural sexual script more
Ladies of Hassenpfeffer - LIKDIT!!!
The Ladies of Hassenpfeffer; Poppy Staccato, Lilly Lou, Eleanor Stackhouse, and Alabaster Betty from The White Rabbit Cabaret are highlighted for my LIKDIT! Series (Ladies I Know Doing Interesting Things).
What's Good Slang for Mutual Masturbation???
A Reddit Mutual Masturbation slang brainstorm
Emma Alyce Weber - LIKDIT!
Ms. Emma Alyce Weber, who acts in Science, Sex, and the Ladies and now has just dropped a song, is highlighted for my LIKDIT! Series (Ladies I Know Doing Interesting Things).
The Sexy Side of Mutual Masturbation
I want mutual masturbation to be a given in our sexual culture. We got a ways to go, but I have some ideas to get there.
Medically Prescribed Vibrator Sessions? Sign Me Up!!
Vibrators used to cure ‘Hysteria.’ I like the idea and there’s a book I want to read about it.
Sarah Aaron - LIKDIT!
Sarah Aaron is highlighted for my LIKDIT! Series (Ladies I Know Doing Interesting Things).
The Fascinating Searches That Bring People To This Blog
I get to see what searches bring people to my blog, and some are fairly strange and unexpected.
Ladies, Stop Poo-pooing "Metrosexually" Styled Men
I’m a little uncomfortable when I hear women, speaking as though they don’t like a man that ‘tries to much’ on his appearance. I mean is it really like we have a cultural problem out there with men working too hard on their appearance? Because I think we just might actually have the opposite problem.
Saturday Betty Dodson Erotic Art Special!
The bad-ass lady-bation advocate, Betty Dodson, is also a fine artist, and here I highlight some of her erotic art. o
A Tribute to the Many Faces of Male-bation
A small tribute to the many aspects of dude-bation.
Colonel Angus - An SNL Study on an Important Subject
Enjoy one of my favorite SNL skits - Colonel Angus.
Ana Slays Ya and The Tornado Sirens - LIKDIT! #2
Ana Slays Ya is highlighted for my LIKDIT! Series (Ladies I Know Doing Interesting Things).
Ashley Rose - The First Installment of LIKDIT!
Ashley Rose is highlighted for my LIKDIT! Series (Ladies I Know Doing Interesting Things).
Happy V-Day - Shake Yourself Tonight!
Don’t be fooled by all the tom-foolery sex toys out there the V-day. Simple can be just what you need.